Congrats to Chris and Lynsey Coleman!


A1) Push Press 5×3
Rest 30 seconds
A2) Negative Strict Pullup 5×3 @ 52X3 tempo
3 sec hold at top, 5 sec decent, 2 sec hang at bottom, up fast
Rest 2 minutes

B) In 7 minutes:
600 Meter Run
AMRAP with Remaining Time:
10 Hang Squat Clean (135/95)
20 Abmat Situps
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

Rest 3 minutes (walking) and Repeat


A) Push Press: Find 1RM in 10min

B) EMOM: ME UB Muscleups until you reach 30

Do a set of ME muscle-ups every minute on the minute, rest the remainder of the minute. Continue this process until you reach 30 MU. 15 minute CAP
If you don’t have Muscle-Ups, do 6×5 of each part of this progression.

C) 3 Rounds for Time
50 Calorie Row
20 Front Squats (165/115)
Rest 1 min (walking)
20 Hang Power Clean (165/115)
30 GHD Situps
Rest 1 min (walking)
10 Front Rack Lunges Alternating (165/115)
20 KB Snatches Alternating (53/35)
Rest 1 min (walking)