Just sayin’…

Read: There is no substitute for hard work.

Many people still have trouble getting under the bar, even for a power move (power snatch, power clean). Watch this video and see how deep he gets on his power snatch and power clean. Get under the bar!

If you want to learn more about how to get under the bar, registration is live for the next CrossFit Wylie Weightlifting Clinic. The price is right and space is limited. Click here for the Facebook event page, share it with your friends.

Jeff is hosting a GoRuck training session at 7pm Wednesday night.


Stage 1 – 6 min AMRAP:
Row 20 Cal
7  HSPU (or 2 Wall Walks)
10 Thrusters 95/65#

Rest 6 minutes

Stage 2 – 6 min AMRAP:
20 Jumping Lunges
15 Hand-Release Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups

Rest 6 minutes

Stage 3 – 6 min AMRAP:
20 Box Jumps 24/20″
15 Toes to Bar
10 Push Press 95/65#

Enter number of reps for each stage.