See below for more info regarding comp and extra strength work.
1A) Press 4X5 reps – Build to Heavy Set
Rest 90 seconds
1B) V-Ups 4X10-15 reps
Rest 90 seconds
2) Three rounds for max reps of:
1 Min of Pull-Ups
Rest 30 seconds
1 Min of Thrusters (95/65 lb)
Rest 30 seconds
1 Min of Double Unders
Rest 30 seconds
Competition Training
NOTICE – Next week will be a little lighter toward the end of the week, and we will be testing on the following week.
Starting then we will have an established “test in requirement” for the competition group. EVERYONE will be required to meet the basic requirements before continuing or beginning the comp programming. We asked everyone to talk to us before beginning the program. That was suppose to negate the need for testing. About 6 out of 20 people asked. Since that didn’t work, we will test.
Pre-requirements for testing into the Competition Group will be: Unlimited Membership, Commitment to training MTWFS (exceptions case-by-case), and approval by Chris Coker. Participation in a CrossFit Wylie Weightlifting Clinic and/or other advanced training seminars is highly recommended.
Please do not be upset if this excludes you from the Comp programming. We are doing this for some basic reasons:
- You need more coaching. For example, if you have to ask what a Hi-Hang Clean or 3-Pos Snatch is, you need more coaching and you will get more coaching in the regular classes.
- If you are lacking basic technique, mobility, or strength, you will see more results from basic strength exercises. You have to be able to snatch before snatching heavy becomes beneficial.
- More is not always better. Many of you will simply be crushed by the volume of work and need to build up to it.
For those people that do not meet the test in requirements, you may retest the failed sections anytime, and I will start adding optional strength/skill work to the group WOD.
1) Three sets, not for time, of:
Roll to Candlestick x 8-10 reps
Handstand Walk x 15-20 meters
L-Sit x 45-60 seconds
2) Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean – 5X1 – Heavy but Perfect
Rest as needed
3) For time:
5 Hang Squat Clean (185/115)
25 Pullups
4 Hang Squat Clean (185/115)
20 Pullups
3 Hang Squat Clean (185/115)
15 Pullups
2 Hang Squat Clean (185/115)
10 Pullups
1 Hang Squat Clean (185/115)
5 Pullups
4A) Three rounds not for time:
Glute-Ham Raises 6-8 reps – strict, no swing at bottom
GHD Sit-Ups 15-20 reps