READ: “It’s Just Exercise
Every once in while we (myself included) take things too seriously. Always keep in mind that it’s training, not a competition, and at the end of the day, it’s just exercise. Keep being awesome!

WATCH: “Rewind the Future
This video really touched me. Children’s habits start very early on and their nutrition is extremely important while they develope.


Overhead squat – 4×2 Heavy but NOT Maximal
Rest 30 seconds
Planks – 4×60 sec (no weight)
Rest 2 minutes

10 Rounds for Time:
3 Power Snatches (135/95)
15 Wall Balls (20/12 to 10ft)

16 minute cap. This will be hard to finish under the cap, treat it as an AMRAP, quality reps throughout. 14lb to 9′ target for ladies is Rx as well. 


Split Jerk – 3×4@85%

Back Squat – 4×4@90% of last weeks 90%