10 Things, Mentally Strong CrossFitters Don’t Do

Ron got his first muscle up on Tuesday morning before most of us were awake! Great work man!


1) Back Squat 5X5@70-80%
Rest 3 minutes between sets and use that time to work shoulder mobility

2) In teams of three, alternating complete rounds, complete five rounds each for time:
5 Unbroken Thrusters (135/95)
10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
15 Double Unders (Scale: 40 singles)
Thrusters must be unbroken, scale accordingly. 

Competition Training

1) Front Squat 1X5@70-75%, 1X3@80-85%, 1X1@90-95%, 3X2@85%
Rest 2 minutes between sets

2A) Power Snatch 5X1@
Rest 30 seconds
2B) Tall Box Jump 5X3
Rest 30 seconds

Do not miss any jumps, step down after each jump. Make all Power Snatches above 80% of 1RM PS. Try to catch the bar just above parallel with perfect foot work.

3) For times:
9 Front Squat (225/145)
Rest exactly 60 seconds
7 Front Squat (225/145)
Rest exactly 60 seconds
5 Front Squat (225/145)
Rest exactly 60 seconds

From the floor. Many of you will need to scale, which is fine, but select a weight that is challenging.


1) Easy 2000 Meter Row @ 75-80%

Rest as needed, then…

2) Six sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Rest exactly 90 seconds

Goal is to keep all sets within 3 seconds of each other. This will mean that your perceived rate of exertion must increase during each set.

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