Toy Drive
I know there are always a lot of opportunities to give, but don’t forget about the donation box for toys at the gym!!!

Thanksgiving Schedule
Wed, 26th – Full Schedule (except 7PM)
Thur, 27th – 9AM FREE Community WOD (Bring your friends and family!)
Fri, 28th – 9AM & 5PM
Sat, 29th – 9AM & 10AM


Deadlift: Every 90 sec, 6×5 building T&G 5RM
Must be T&G

Part 1) Using 50% of today’s 5RM DL
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
10 Deadlift
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

-Rest 5 minutes-

Part 2) AMRAP in 6 minutes:
6 Pullups
6 Alt DB Snatch (45/25)

Front Squat: every 60 sec: 50/6, 60/5, 70/4, 80/3, 85/2, 90/2*4 sets, 70/8*1 set