4 Rounds
12 GHD Situps
15 Pulls on the Rower for Calories
8 Each Crossover Band ER, IR, and Reverse FlyInternal
On the row, focus on power, no time limit, be patient and pull as hard as you can 15 times. 

AMRAP in 6 min:
7 Power Snatch (95/65)
5 Burpees
7 Chest to Bar Pullups
(Rx+ = 3 Bar MU)

Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP in 8 min:
200M Running
15 Power Cleans (95/65)

DeadLift: Complete for time: 10@50%, 8@60, 6@70, 5@80, 20@50;
between each set of DL complete 15 sec L-Sit on Rings

Front Squat: every 90 sec: 6@50%, 5@60, 4@70, 4@80, 3@85, 2@90, 1@95, 10@60

Alternate the following:
A) Strict Supinated Pullups: 3 sets of 10 weighted as able,
rest 60 sec
set 1: Strict x 8 reps as hard a scaling as possible to complete all 8 reps, does not have to be unbroken;
set 2: Strict Deficit x 10 reps as hard a deficit as possible to complete all 8 reps, does not have to be unbroken;
set 3: 12 Kipping at Regional Standard AFAP, try to be unbroken;
rest 2 min after completion of each set before going back to chinups.

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