Back Squat: E2MOM: 60/8, 70/6, 75/4*2, 80/2*2, 85/1*2
In teams of two, alternate stations for AMRAP in 15 minutes:
20 Calorie Row
15 Toes to Bar
Working at the same time, both partners must complete their station before switching and starting the next station. Row + T2B = 1 Round
Strict Press: using 50% of 1rm from last week
-max reps until failure
-rest 10 deep breaths
-max reps until failure
-rest 10 deep breaths
-max reps until failure
Pause Jerk (sec hold in the bottom of dip): Every 90 sec: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3*4 sets
4 sets
-6 bent rows w/ 5 sec. eccentric decent (keep upper back engaged)
-6 parellette pushups (weighted as able)
4 min. Tabata on rings
-10 sec. arch hold + 10 sec. hollow hold