12 min. to find 3RM Push Jerk

In teams of three, AMRAP in 21 minutes, Partner A does min 1, B min 2, C min 3, and so on for 7 minutes each.
5 Burpee Box Overs (20″)
3 Deadlift (185/125 | R+ 255/175)
3 Strict Pullups | R+ 1 Rope Climb

*Pick up where your partner left off. 20″ box, step-ups allowed.


Every 2 min: 6 sets: 2 FS + 4 BS at 85% of Monday’s 2RM

4 sets of 2 – Skin the cat (start and finish in hanging hollow pos.)

8 min. EMOM – 3 MU + 3 ring dips

After Conditioning
3 sets
-15 barbell good mornings
-50L/50R ft. single are waiters carry