Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 40/3+2+1, 45/3+2+1, 50/3+2+1, 55/3+2+1, 60/3+2+1
% of best jerk

21-15-9 for time (7 min cap):
KB Swings (70/53)
C2B Pullups


Before – but in this order…
Strict Press: 4 medium sets of 5 every 2 minutes
Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk: 40/3+2+1, 45/3+2+1, 50/3+2+1, 55/3+2+1, 60/3+2+1, rest 90 sec
Jerk Dip with 2 sec pause in dip: 100/2*4 sets EMOM

Back Squat: 60/10, 70/8, 75/6, 80/4, 85/3, rest 90 sec

5 sets of 5 scapula pullups + 5 hollow arch swings (tight and compact)

6 sets of 6 – Kipping CTB PU (no butterfly, focus on kip)

5 sets of 5 TTB + 5 sec. L-sit hold + 5 L-sit scissors e/leg + 5 sec. L-Sit hold


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