
Hamzeh using The Force, in honor of Star Wars!


Clean + FS + Jerk: 15 minutes to work to max or work technique

2 Rounds for Time (15 min cap):
60 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
80 Double Unders
50 Abmat Situps

Rest 5 min, then:
2K Row for Time
If you are limited on time, do 1K or 500M.


Deadlifts Sets: 3.2.1 x 4 sets @ 85%
rest 10 sec. between sets
rest 90 sec. between cycles

5 sets of 8 Perfect Hollow Arch Swings w/ 20 sec pause in hollow positioning at the end of each set.

10 min. EMOM:
3 TTB + 7 CTB

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