HAIR (1)

Time to Update the Goal Board! Figure what you want to accomplish by the end of the year, and write it down!


Split Jerk from rack: 60/4, 70/3, 80/2, 83/1, 86/1, 88/1, 90/1, 92/1

4 Rounds, Tabata, Alternating:
– 20 sec. R side plank/ 10 sec. off
– 20 sec. high plank hold/10 sec off
– 20 sec. L side plank/10 sec off
– 20 sec Glute bridge/ 10 sec off


For Time, (12 Min Cap):

18 Pullups
20 Meter Shuttle Sprint (10 Meter Increments)
14 Pullups
40 Meter Shuttle Sprint
10 Pullups
60 Meter Shuttle Sprint
6 Pullups
80 Meter Shuttle Sprint
2 Pullups
100 Meter Shuttle Sprint

C2B = RX+


Back Squat: 60/6, 70/5, 80/4, 85/3, 90/2, 95/1, 80/3*2 sets
Alt DB Snatch: 8 sets of 2 e/a AHAP but must be UB, non-stop reps
rest as needed between sets

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