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Memorial Day Murph is coming soon! All the details are HERE, we will email out a link to register for Heats in the next week.


Strict Press: 8×2 @ 85% of 2RM

EMOM for 21 minutes (7 rounds):
0-1: Row for Max Calories
1-2: 5 Manmakers (35/25)
2-3: 20 Double Unders

Record total number reps completed. Start at various stations to share equipment. 


Jerk Dip + Jerk: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 85/2*3 sets

Jerk Drives: 100/2*3 sets

BS: E2MOM: 60/10, 70/8, 75/6*3 sets

Death by Dip, from top of MU
-1+1, 1+2, 1+3 etc

After Conditioning:
Accumulate 100 hollow/arch swings on rings
*break as soon as form deteriorates