
Wednesday is the CrossFit Kid’s Program One Year Anniversary. Huge shout out to Coach Jill for being so awesome and to our Kids for crushing it, in and out of the gym!


Strict Press: 6×4 @ 90% of 4rep from last week

For 20 minutes, at a smooth continuous pace:
250 Meter Row
10 Abmat Situps + 10 Russian Twists
30 Unbroken Double Unders

Not recording anything, just stay moving and do your best on the Double Unders. 


Press First, then…

BN Jerk: 50/6, 60/5, 70/4, 80/3*5 sets

Jerk Dips, pause in Dip: 100/2*4 sets

BS: EMOM: 50/5, 60/5, 70/5, 75/5, 80/5*3 sets

2 sets: 4-8 Russian dips as able (stay hollow)

UB Muscle Ups: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1; scale w/banded saddle MU


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