Mobility Class this Saturday at 830AM!
This Saturday will focus on hips and knees. Proper movement, recovery, reducing pain, increasing range of motion, etc.
FREE for CrossFit Wylie Members
$20 for Non- Members
Email  to register.

Saturday Classes will be @ 930AM & 1030AM

Memorial Day Murph is this Monday
Heats at 9AM and 10AM
Click for Info


6 min Tabata of Alternating Hollow and Arch Holds

Every 2 minutes for 5 Rounds:
3 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50′ Handstand Walk)
3 Squat Cleans @80-85% of Max Clean

FS/BS: 2/4 x 3 sets @ 85% of Front Squat

Work to a single Max deficit HSPU
then Drop deficiet 50% – 3 sets of Max-1 Kipping HSPU