1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
*starting roughly 50-60% of 1RM Push press and build

4 Rounds for Time
15 Power Snatches (65/45)
15 Box jump, step down (24/20)

*Keep the chest up, eyes forward, and back straight on the snatches!


10 min. EMOM – 1 FS w/ 3 sec. pause at the bottom working to max for the day

Accumulate 12 of the following
-hollow/arch kip+kip pullups+5 sec. w/ chin over bar

10 min EMOM for kip consistency- 2 CTB + 2 TTB + 2 Bar MU

After Conditioning
2 rounds – 30 ghd situps + 100m farmers carry AHAP