Back Squat: every 90 seconds – 70/5, 80/4, 85/3, 90/2, 95/1, 80/3*3 sets
5 Rounds for time (25 min cap):
14 Burpees
12 Pullups
10 Push Press (115/75 | R+ HSPU)
1 Minute Rest
Scale HSPU with strict press. Goal is to keep every round under 3 min. If you go over 3 min, consider scaling load or reps.
Every 90 sec complete x 8 sets complete 1 Power Jerk + 1 Split Jerk to max for complex
4 Rounds for Quality
10 perfect Hollow/arch kips
10 perfect TTB
10 laying windshield wipers (each side)
End of Session
5 min. alternating Tabata of Hollow/arch holds on the ground