2015 Murph
Memorial Day Murph
Every year on Memorial Day, Americans honor those who have fallen serving the United States Armed Forces. At CrossFit Wylie we have a tradition of supporting The Murph Challenge by completing “Murph” the workout on Memorial Day.
We will run heats of 20 starting every hour at 9AM. There will be a 20 athlete cap on each heat. You must preregister for a heat in order to participate. If all three time slots reach the 20 person cap, we will open a fourth.
Members are not required to donate in order to participate, but you do get a cool shirt and the money goes to a great cause. Likewise, you do not have to do the workout if you donate. Everything is completely voluntary. To register for The Murph Challenge or donate visit themurphchallenge.com and sign up. To sign up for a heat, you can log in to wodify and go to the calendar to reserve your spot now.
If you are not a member at CrossFit Wylie, you have to sign up ahead of time. You must also either bring proof of registration from themurphcallenge.com or pay a $15 drop-in fee. Non-members can reserve their drop-in spot HERE.
For more info about Michael Murphy and the Workout, visit the website.
Murph for the Kids
We invite all our CrossFit Kids (6+) and Teens to join us on Memorial Day (May 30) at noon for a kids/teens version of Murph, in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
Kids/Teens enrolled in the CF Kids program are free. If you want to bring a friend, or for other kids not enrolled in the program, cost is $5. Please ensure your kids are dressed appropriately for the weather (especially if it’s hot) and bring & drink lots of water.
Kids/Teens will be able to do either a 1/4 or 1/2 of Murph and other options will be made available by the coaches.
If your kids would like to participate, please email Coach Jill at crossfitwylie.jill@gmail.com so we can plan accordingly. Thanks so much!
From Coach Jill:
It’s been an awesome spring session and I can’t believe summer is just around the corner. It’s truly rewarding working with each one of the kids! They continually amaze me at how hard they work and how strong they are getting!
Below is our summer schedule, which offers both morning and evening classes. Our summer schedule begins on June 6. However, our next five-week session (Session 5) begins on May 30 and goes until July 2. Those who are new to our program and begin at the start of the summer schedule will be pro-rated accordingly.
We will not have kids/teens classes during the week of 4th of July.
Let me know if you have questions. Excited for the summer!
Strict Press: Work up to 1RM then 3×3 @ 75% of 1RM EMOM
In teams of two, 20 minute row for calories, alternate rower every 2 minutes;
The athlete not rowing completes the following during 2 minutes:
7 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Double Unders
BN Jerk: Every 90 sec: 50/3, 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3*4 sets
Back Squat: E2MOM: 60/10*3 sets, 70/8*2 sets, 75/6, 80/4
4 sets
8 hollow/arch kips on rings + 2-4 kip C2 Ring + 2 skin the cats
After Conditioning
3-5 sets
-20 GHD situps
-3 inch worms + 3 hollow pushups