Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 6.36.12 PMPatti went from 90th to 59th place throughout her 4 online qualifier workouts for the Masters Division! Jourdan took Gold in the Snatch, Bronze in the Clean and Jerk, and Silver in the Total today at the Junior Pan American Weightlifting Championships! Great work ladies!


Strict Press: 6×3 up to 3RM

Teams of three, AMRAP in 18 minutes, Alternating Stations:
60 seconds Row for Cal
30 seconds of 5 V-Ups + 5 Arch-Ups
30 seconds of Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
Add total number of reps.


Press first..

Jerk with pause in dip: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2*4 sets

Jerk Dip to Split: 100/2*3 sets

BS Every 2 min: 60/5, 70/5, 75/5, 80/5*3 sets  Skill

5 sets – on rings
– 10 sec. hollow hold + 2 hollow/arch swings + 2 MU + max support hold at top of MU