We have a couple of hoodies in each size available! First come first serve. 
Front Squat: EMOM for 11 min – 2 reps at 75-85%
AMRAP in 4 rounds, of 3 min on, 2 min off:
21 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Pullups
9 Burpee Box Overs
*pickup each round where you left off
12 min. to find max Behind neck jerk + jerk
rest 2 min. THEN – at 60% of today’s max perform 2 set of max reps split jerk
4 min. Every 20 sec. – 1 strict MU
Use band if needed
After Conditioning
Tabata – 2x through
0:00-Hollow hold
0:30-Hollow flutter
1:00-Hollow rock
1:30-Hollow Crossover