BS: APRE – Last week of 6s, stay with it!
Set 1-50% of 6rm/10
Set 2-75% of 6rm/6
Set 3-Max Reps of 6rm
Set 4-Max Reps at Adjusted weight dependent on reps in set 3 as below
Weight Change Based on Reps in set 3
Reps – Weight Change
0-2 – Decrease 5-10#
3-4 – Decrease 0-5#
5-7 – No Change
8-12 – Increase 5-10#
13+ – Increase 10-15#

For Time:
15 Full Snatch (95/65)
30 Abmat Situps
200M Suitcase Carry (53/35)
12 Full Snatch
24 Abmat Situp
200M Suitcase Carry
9 Full Snatch
18 Abmat Situp
200M Suitcase Carry
*Suitcase carry is 100M with each arm, cannot switch before 100M.


Strict press: in 5 sets of 5 at 88% of 2 weeks ago 5rm w/ paused lockout at top

Power Jerks from rack/blocks: 11 min. to find 3rm
-rest 2 min. then complete 15 S2OH from ground w/65% of today’s 3rm

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