Dues for the month of June are due and more T-shirts are on the way.

Tuesday was fun, we had lots of new faces, I look forward to getting know everyone better and seeing some ridiculous results over the next few months. Summer is upon us, and it’s “Shred Season” as one of my buddies aptly put it. But I want you to remember that being fit is not seasonal. It is a lifestyle. I have yet to meet a person that was committed to a healthy lifestyle and unsuccessful in the rest of his life. The two do go hand-in-hand. Small choices we make everyday about who we are and who we want to become will literally shape us and our children’s lives for years to come, and it’s never to late to start making better choices.

Masters Division CrossFit Games Competitors, Age 45+
-Courtesy CrossFit.com

WOD 05/30/12

15 minutes to establish a 1RM 3 position (Full/Hang/Tall) Snatch

5 rounds for time of:

3 Muscleups
3 Chest-to-Bar Pullups + 5 Ring Dips
18 Wall Balls (20/12)