Still Growing…

Tell me your shirt sizes if you haven’t…

There’s more to the burpee than you realize…



1) 12 minutes to establish a 1RM Heaving Snatch Balance.

2a) 3XME Strict Pullups – rest 45 sec.
2b) 3X10 UB Hang Squat Snatches @ 50% – rest 45 sec.
2c) 3X10 GHD Situps, rest 45 sec.
2d) 3X5 Press – heaviest possible, rest 45 sec.
-Something new today. You will complete station 2a, rest exactly 45 seconds, complete, 2b, rest 45 seconds and so on for 3 rounds. Track Number of Pullups, loads, and scaling for each round.


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