All available at CrossFit Wylie
I’ve posted the Terry Crews, Euro Training video before. I wish I had Joseph on film today, but since I didn’t, I’ll let Terry demonstrate what Joseph looked like… CLICK HERE.
Apparently Laura is tired of wearing contacts so I have to take her to Dr. Booth at 4:30AM on Friday morning. This means we unfortunately have to cancel the 5:30AM & 6:30AM classes on Friday. We WILL be having afternoon classes on Friday, so do your best to come in at that time.
Team WOD Saturday at 9:00AM
So the gym is getting crowded, and I understand that it’s not always ideal during the bigger classes. First, I wanted to thank everyone for making this little startup an awesome gym with great energy. Second, I’m sorry for the lack of space, I obviously didn’t see this happening so fast or we would have started with a bigger unit. Everyone has been very understanding and courteous of your fellow athletes, thank you.
With that said, if you regularly attend the larger classes, I encourage you to branch out to other class times if/when your schedule allows. You will meet more members and shake up the routine that your body can naturally fall into.
We are looking at potential spaces and will be moving upgrading at some point. If you know of something available near our current location, please let us know. Thanks!
10 minutes to establish 1RM Shoulder Press
For Time:
Run 200 w/ Med Ball (20/12)
30 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Overhead Walking Lunges (20/12)
Run 200 w/ Med Ball (20/12)
30 Front Squats w/ Med Ball (20/12)
30 Sit-ups w/ Med Ball (20/12)
Run 200 w/ Med Ball (20/12)
30 Wall Balls (20/12)
30 Burpees
Run 200 w/ Med Ball (20/12)
Every time you drop your ball (excluding the push-ups and burpees) add 5 burpees, to be completed after the final run.