We aren’t going to have an official benchmark WOD this month. But I do have something in mind that we can do towards the end of the month to gauge improvement (insert evil laugh here).
10 min of Clean and Jerk Practice
(work up to the weight you intend to use for the met-con)
12 min AMRAP of:
1 Hand Release Burpee
1 Squat Clean & Jerk 155/105#
2 Hand Release Burpees
1 Squat Clean & Jerk 155/105#
3 Hand Release Burpees
1 Squat Clean & Jerk 155/105#
and so on for the remainder of time…
NOTES: At the 4 min mark, stop and complete 400M run, then restart where you left off. Jerk maybe any style.
Every 45 seconds for 5 minutes:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch @ 70% (of max Snatch any style)
1a) 4X3 3 Stop Snatch Pulls – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO
1b) 4X5 Hang Clean Hi-Pulls – heavy (BB should rise to chest height – elbows above bar), rest 45 sec.
1c) 4X5 Split Press – heavier than last week, rest 45 sec. DEMO VIDEO