We had FIVE athletes do C2B or Non-Banded pullups for the first time today! Hell yeah!!
13.5 is announced tomorrow. Lots of buzz around this one…
7×1 2 Position Clean (floor – hang) + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.
9 minute AMRAP of:
10 OH Walking Lunges 45/25# (bumper plate)
15 HR Pushups
30 Ab-Mat Situps
Fitness: Scale lunges as needed.
Competition WOD
BB Gymnastics
1) 7×1 2 Position Snatch (floor – hang) – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.
2) 7×1 2 Position Clean (floor – hang) + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 sec.
Notes: Snatches and Cleans should be full reps. The bar does not return to the floor between the two positions.
10 minutes Triple-Under practice.
Tabata – Row for calories.
Notes: Keep the fan moving slowly for rest intervals.
*Rest 5 minutes.
Accumulate as many TGU (alternating arms) as possible in 12 minutes.
Notes: Load should be heavy, with no misses. DO NOT RUSH, this is not a scored event. Try to move as fluidly as possible, without stopping, for the entire twelve minutes.