Be sure to let us know if you are signed up for the Open but can’t make it tomorrow night.

As always, Heats and Team Score can be found HERE


10 minutes @ 75% effort:
10 Thrusters
5 Supinated Strict Pullups
5 Toes to bar

Walk / Mobilize / Foam Roll for 5 Minutes

10 minutes @ 75% effort:
200m Run
20 Air Squats
10 Walking lunges


Active Recovery

A) 10-15 minutes of dynamic movement (anything normally used for warmups)

B) Row 5 minutes at 2:15/2:45 pace.

C) 20 minutes of Snatch or Clean & Jerk work. nothing over 60%, just some position and speed work.

D) 10-15 minutes working on moving better and more efficient on a movement of your choice. Nothing taxing, just basic skill work.