Michael just hit the 3-year milestone with CrossFit Wylie! He has lived in the Wylie area for 14 years now and grew up in Chicago. He is married to his wife Annie and they have two children, his son Eli, and daughter Wendy. Michael graduated from Missouri Rolla where he played baseball and earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. You will see Michael at

Alex: How long have you been at CrossFit Wylie?
Michael: Coming up on three years.
Alex: Why do you CrossFit?
Michael: To maintain fitness, live the healthiest lifestyle I can, and try to get that 1% better every day.
Alex: Favorite CrossFit movement or lift?
Michael: Squats. I love leg day.

Alex: Least favorite CrossFit movement or lift?
Michael: Pullups, Toes-to-bar, Muscle ups, pretty much everything on the pullup rig.
Alex: What is the thing that has surprised you the most since you started CrossFit?
Michael: Learning that the person you have to be the most competitive with is yourself.
Alex: What advice do you have for beginners?
Michael: Come to the gym every day and listen to the coaches on scaling.
Alex: The CrossFit Open is soon upon us, what I remember about your first open is that you did it with only 3 weeks of CrossFit to your name. What advice or expectations do you have for people who are doing the open for the first time this year?
Michael: Sign up, it is a lot of fun with a great atmosphere. Expectations? Don’t have any, scale the workouts that you need scale and have fun.
Alex: You are our consistent
Michael: For me, around this time, my daughter is across the street for cheerleading, so that’s a nice motivation that I am in the area anyway. My advice is making it part of your day. You get up to go to work every day this should be the same.

What do you wish you would have known when first started CrossFit?
Michael: You are not 20 anymore and be humble.
Alex: Can you tell me an interesting fact about yourself?
Michael: I enjoy reading about military history and drinking a good whiskey.