
WOD Warm-UpStretches/Dynamic 2 Sets100m run10 box step-ups15 supinated pull-aparts Strength4 Sets4 Close Grip Bench Press (21X1)12 Alternating DB Glute Bridge Floor Press (top down) Conditioning4 rounds | 5 rounds for time:200m run8 burpee box jump overs (24/20)12 alt...


WOD Warm-UpDynamic/Stretches 2 Sets30 jump rope20 sec plank hold10 weighted squats10 weighted sit-ups Strength Back Squat (Speed Focus)2 Reps Every 35sec x 10 Rounds *Load the same, or slightly heavier, than last week’s weight – focus is speed out of the...


WOD Warm-upPVC/Dynamic 2 Sets5 Double Push-up Burpees8 e/side KB Windmill Press8 e/leg Knee over Toe Split Squats MetconTeams of 2, for Time:50 Burpees100 Wallballs (20/14)600M Carry (53/35) (80/50)100 Cal Bike50 Burpees *Carry: Partner A carries 2 KBs, Partner B...


WOD Warm-upStretches/Dynamic 2 Sets10 BB Goodmorning8e/side BB Front Rack Reverse Lunge5 Overhead Presses10 BB Squats StrengthEvery 3 mins x 4 Sets4 Deadlift Build up to your weight from the previous week & then start the 4 sets – add more weight as...


WOD Warm-UpFoam Roll/LXB Athlete’s ChoiceStretches/Dynamic 2 Sets10 KB Pull-throughs6 e/side KB Windmill Press10 Scap Pull-ups100m Jog SkillKipping Pull-up Progression (3 Rounds):15-20sec Extended Planks + Weighted Superman Holds4 Reps of Box Three Position Kip...