
WOD Warm-upDynamic/Band 2 Sets12 Alternating Push-up Pike Toe Touch5e/leg Single Leg Goodmorning12 Strict Knee Raises Strength5 sets for load – building:8 deadlifts ConditioningFor Time:15-12-9HR Push-upKB Swing (53/35)20′ Single Arm KB OH Walking Lunge...


WOD Warm-upBox Stretches/Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets12-15 DB Butterfly Raises (5-15#)10e/side Side Plank Powell Raise8 Aipa Row (weighted) Butterfly Raise: ConditioningFor Time (24 Minute Cap): 3 Rounds200m Run14 Alt Double DB Front...


WOD Warm-upDynamic/Stretches: Accumulate 1 Minute Dead Hang on rig10 Dolphin Stretch (forearm plank position)5 Blackburn Stretch10 Alternating Tripod w/ Overhead Reach Strength3-4 Sets10-12 Straight Arm Cable/Banded PulldownMax Rep Strict Pull-up (1-2 reps short of...


WOD Warm-up(6-10 Minutes) Foam Roll/LXB Smash Dynamic Warm-up 2 Sets100m Run20 Anterior Tibialis Raises15e/leg Single Leg Calf Raises20 Double Under Hang Power Snatch Progression Conditioning For time:Buy In 800m run Then:12-10-8-6-4Hang Power Snatch...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Stretches 2 Sets15/12 calorie Bike20 alternating tall plank knee to elbow10 no jump no clap burpee5e/side skater squats (3) StrengthBack Squat – Deload Week EMOM 103 Reps @ 65% of 1RM ConditioningFor time:100m...