
WOD Warm-upLXB Smash: Traps/Pecs/Delts/T-Spine 2 Sets5 Blackburn Stretch12 Alt Scorpion Twists10 Dive Bomber Push-ups12 Alt Tripod w/ Overhead Reach Strength(Pressing strength and stability)5-6 Sets to build up to a 5RM on Close Grip Bench Press (shoulder width apart)...


WOD Warm-upPVC Pipe Warm-up 2 Sets5 Sumo Stance Goodmorning5 Hang Muscle Clean + Strict Press5 Front Squat5 Tall Clean StrengthEvery 90 seconds x 8 Rounds (12 Minutes) Perform: Start at a moderate weight 50-60% and build up to a 1RM on Clean & Jerk (power or...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretch 2 Sets6 Cat Cow Stretch16 Quadruped KB Pull-through (8 per side)5 KB Windmill + 40′ Single Arm KB Overhead Carry (perform for each side) StrengthPush Press (Benchmark Week):Performance – Build to a heavy but perfect...


WOD Warm-upDynamic Warm-up/Stretch 2 Sets12 Weighted Hanging Knee Tuck15sec e/side Single Arm Prone Plank (face down)15sec e/side Split Stance Isometic w/ Pulse (1)


WOD Eva Strong Eva Mireles was one of two teachers killed along with 19 students at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The 44-year-old was an avid CrossFitter who regularly attended Shotgun CrossFit in the same county. Mireles was killed protecting her 4th-grade...