
WOD Strength Deadlift: 6 sets every 2 min – 6 reps at 65% + 6 box jumps w/ step down Conditioning In teams of 4, 5 Rounds Each for Total Time: 20/18 Cal Row 12 Clapping Pushups Rest Partner B starts rowing as soon as Partner A gets off the rower, Partner C...


WOD Strength Clean: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 85/2, 90/2 Conditioning AMRAP in 16 minutes: 7 Strict Pullups | R+ 4 Ring MU 10 Thrusters (95/65) 60 Double Unders Rest 1 minute Extra Before Front squat – deload week -5 sets of 5 at 70% *Pause for 3 sec. in bottom of...


WOD In teams of 2, alternating every minute, for AMRAP in 20 minutes: 5 Burpees 7 HSPU 10 Toes to Bar *start each minute with burpees, record total reps, scale HSPU with DB Pushpress Extra Before Snatch: Build to heavy single, no misses Clean & Jerk: Build to...


WOD Strength Bench Press: 5 set of 3 working to 3rm for the day Conditioning AMRAP in 9 minutes: Climb the Ladder 3 Wallballs (20/14) 1 Bar MU 6 Wallballs 2 Bar MU …etc. adding 3 WB/1 Bar MU each round Scaled: 3 WB 3 C2B or Regular PU 6 WB 6 C2B or Regular PU...


WOD Mobility Glute Smash on Ball 2 min e/side Couch Stretch 2 min e/side Box Shoulder Stretch 2 min Conditioning AMRAP in 10 minutes: 100M Run 15 Abmat Situps 200M Run 25 Abmat Situps 300M Run 35 Abmat Situps...