
WOD Strength Front Squat: 6-8 sets of 2@85-90% of 4RM from last week, 60 sec rest. *If you don’t have last weeks # use 80-85% of 1RM Conditioning 2 AMRAPs – 5 min on / 3 min off: 10 Thrusters (95/65) 6 Burpee over Box R+: 2 AMRAPs in 5 min on / 3 min off:...


WOD In teams of 2: Max Cal Row in 5 minutes, then immediately into 12 min AMRAP of: 80 DU 10 Burpee DB G2OH (50s/35s) then immediately into Max Cal Row in 5 minutes Extra After Conditioning 15 min. clock Min. 0-4 – EMOM building -Snatch pull to knee + snatch...


WOD Conditioning AMRAP in 14 Minutes: 200M Run 45 Deadlifts (155/105 | R+225/155) 200M Run 45 Wallballs (20/14) 200M Run 45 Hand Release Pushup | R+ HSPU *Maintain Hollow Midline on PU Extra Before Conditioning 4 sets for efficiency: 5 sec. HS hold + 5 sec. HS hold in...


2017 Open Shirts We have two designs this year for our 2017 OPEN shirts! We are doing a pre-order only this year, and will only have a couple extras when they come in. Choose between the two designs or get one of each! You can only pre-order through the Self Checkout...


WOD Conditioning 20 min. AMRAP – all w/ 2 DBs: 12 DB Burpee Box Step Overs (20″) 9 DB Thrusters 6 Single DB Abmat Situps *Rx – As close to 50/35 as you can get given the selection Extra Before Class 12 min. EMOM E- 2 BS w/ 2 sec. pause in bottom O- 5...