
WOD Warmup/Skill 3 Rounds at a Steady Pace 20 Hollow Rocks 20ft. Banded Monster walk e/direction 12 Alt. Pistols Conditioning For time: 10-9-8…3-2-1 Pullups Wall-balls (20/14 | R+ 11ft target) +After Each Round: 10 Strict Pushups | R+ 5 HSPU Extra After Metcon:...


WOD Mobility Forearm Smash w/barbell 2 min each Quad Smash w/ barbell 2 min each Banded Shoulder Stretch 1min each Strength 4 sets: 60 sec. Plank hold (weighted as able) 15 GHD Hip Extensions Conditioning In teams of 3, rotate through the stations for AMRAP in 12...


WOD Strength Split Jerk w/ 2 sec. pause in dip and catch: 6 sets of 2, heavy but perfect no misses Conditioning AMRAP in 15 min: 10 Power Snatch (75/55) 12 Toes-to-Bar 8 OH Lunges in place (75/55) Extra 12 min. to find max 2 rep 1 and 1/4 Back squat 10 min. EMOM E- 30...


Registration is now Open! WOD Strength Clean from Power Position: 6 sets of 2, heavy but perfect no misses Conditioning 3 Rounds for time, 1 round = 7-5-3 Thruster (50-60% of FS) C2B PU Strict Pushups *Rest 90 sec after each round, 15 min cap R+ 4 rounds for time, 1...


WOD Strength FS: 8 min. EMOM – 2 FS @ 70-75% Conditioning 4 Rounds for AMRAP – 4 min. on/2 min. off: 9 Deadlift (185/125) 12 Burpee Box Overs (24″/20″) 9 Cleans (any style, same weight as DL) Extra *Pick-up where you left off 4 min. EMOM...