
WOD Strength Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk: Build to 85% and complete 3 sets Conditioning In teams of two, 4 Rounds for time: 500M Row 400M Run 30 Lunges 30 Abmat Situps *Partner A will Row while B Runs, then switch. Partner A will Lunge while B does Situps, then...


FRIDAY – no afternoon classes. For 18.4, sign up for a heat when you get to the gym. We’ll open at 5PM and start the first heat at 6PM. Just make sure you sign up for a heat when you get there! The theme for this week is St. Patricks Day! WOD...


WOD Mobility Banded Shoulder Stretches Hamstring and Quad Foam Roll Couch Stretch 1 min ea Warmup 3 Rounds 20 Double Unders 5 Hollow/Arch w/ pause in each 5 Bird Dogs Conditioning 5 rounds at a very steady pace NOT for time 200m Run 15 Airsquats 250m Row 5 Strict Toes...


WOD Strength 5 Sets: Bench Press: build to heavy triple (not maximal) Ring Rows: 8 Ring Rows w/ feet elevated 5 Sets: Deadlifts: build to heavy double (not maximal) Seated Box Jumps: 5 reps Conditioning AMRAP in 5 minutes: 20ft DB Front Rack Lunge (50/35) 8 C2B...


WOD Part A) AMRAP in 12 Min: 9 DB Thrusters (50/35s) 100M Waiters Walk** | R+ 50ft HS Walk* 9 Strict Dips | 3 Ring MU Part B) Rest 2 min, THEN: 40 Cal Bike or Row for Time *HS Walk is done with lines every 10ft. Hands start behind the line, and your feet must come...