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Robb Wolfe’s Grocery Store Tour – Segment #9: Energy Drinks (Also Gatorade, Coconut Water, etc.)

Over 35 Entries for the Club Championship so far! Don’t miss out!


Extra) Split Jerk 5X2 – Heavy but Perfect

1) Snatch: Take 12-15 minutes and build to a heavy single or work on tech

2) For time:
12 Snatches (Full Squat 95/65 lb)
12 Push Press (95/65 lb)
200 Meter Run
9 Snatches
9 Push Press
200 Meter Run
6 Snatches
6 Push Press
200 Meter Run

Strict 20 min time cap. If you cannot complete full snatch (overhead squat), scale weight as needed and get as low as possible with good positions (feet straight, chest up, knees out, etc.).

Mobility) Abdominal Smash w/ Medball – 4 min

Competition Training

Warmup) Three rounds not for time:
Tall Box Jump x5
Rest 10 seconds between jumps, step down
Handstand Walk x10 Meters
Strict C2B Pullups x7

1) Take 15 minutes to build to a 1RM Back Squat
Must be at full depth.

2) Take 15 minutes to build to today’s 1RM Clean & Jerk