
Christmas Party – Dec 21 – 7:00PM

We’ve decided to invite the entire CrossFit Wylie community to the gym on Dec 21 for a Christmas party. Last year we did a tacky Christmas Party, that was fun but this year we are going to class it up a bit and let everyone dress how they want, it will be interesting to see everyone in normal clothes (as apposed to workout attire or Halloween costumes)!

-Dress as you wish.
-Paleo/Healthy Potluck, BYOB
-White elephant gift exchange, $15 limit
-All extra chairs and tables are appreciated

I know many of you single people avoid these things… I promise you won’t be bored, come enjoy yourself!


– 3 min of Hamstring and Calf Mobility
– 3 min of Overhead Shoulder Mobility (Lats, T-Spine)
– Dynamic Warmup

1) In five minutes, complete the following:

600 Meter Run
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16)
ME Over the Box Jumps (24/20)
Rest exactly three minutes

Complete 4 rounds (29 minutes) for max Jumps

2) Recovery work – Rolling and Stretching

3) Fill out the City Form on the Desk!

Competition Training

1) Three sets, not for time, of:
Box Jumps x 10-12 reps
(just work on establishing a good rhythm while still hitting competition standards)
V-Ups x 10-12 reps

2) Back Squat 1X5@70-75%, 1X3@80-85%, 3X1@90-95%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.

3) Hang Clean + Clean, EMOM for 20 minutes: Hang Clean + Clean

1-2 @ 50% of 1RM Clean
3-4 @ 60%
5-8 @ 70%
9-12 @ 75%
13-16 @ 80%
17-20 @ 85+%

4) Three rounds not for time:
Weighted Good Mornings 3X8
Rest 60 seconds
Strict Toes to Bar 3X6-8
Rest 60 seconds
Row 500M for Time @80-90%
Rest 60 seconds

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