“Three Wise Men”

Join us this Saturday for our 3rd year of supporting the Three Wise Men Tribute WOD benefiting the Headstrong Project as we tackle the stigmas of mental health injuries and help all our veterans get headstrong.

Their Story
After September 11th the three Wise brothers joined the military– Jeremy Wise as a Navy SEAL, Ben as a Green Beret and Beau in the Marine Corps Infantry. All elite, all selfless, all patriots.  Together they served over 1,600 days in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Tragically, Jeremy was killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan on December 30, 2009. Two years and eleven days later, Ben was killed in a firefight in Afghanistan. Beau remains on active duty in the United States Marine Corps

There is no charge to our members for participating Saturday, but you can support the foundation HERE and get a shirt for $25, supporting the fight against PTSD.

This Saturday we will go off in heats at 0900, 0930, 1000, and 1030. No sign up needed just be there early enough to sign up for a heat on the whiteboard and warmup. Each heat will have a size limit.

Friday’s WOD

5 sets:
5 Seated DB Strict Press working to 5RM
14 Alt Single Leg Step Ups AHAP w/ good form
*box height should sit just below knee
*don’t tilt hips or push off with trail leg

For time:
AMRAP in 12 Min:
200M Run
15 KBS (70/53)
15 T2B


4 sets:
10 strict towel pullups
10 parallette pushups w/ 1 sec. pause in bottom

8 sets:
2 wall walks + 5 lateral steps in each direction w/ chin and toes as close to wall as possible

1 attempt max HS walk for distance

6 min.
2 min tabata – hollow rocks
2 min. tabata – crunches
2 min. tabata – hollow rocks