6 Sets:
6 Behind the Neck Strict Press – build as able
6 Strict Chinups (supinated grip)
6 Rounds for Time:
10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
12 Power Cleans (95/65)
14 Wallballs (20/14)
A) 10 min. alt EMOM
E-5/5/5 Wide/regular/narrow grip Bench press – building as able
O- 30 alt. shoulder taps in high plank – add weight on back as able, no overtwisting
B) OHS: 2 Rep max w/ 5 sec pause in bottom of 1st rep and between each rep, no pause on 2nd rep
A) Accumulate 20 Hollow/arch kips on rings w/ pull to stomach
*Focus on maintaining positions!!!
B) 8 min. EMOM
2 Ring MUs + 10 sec. hollow hold
Midline – After
3 sets
45 sec. single arm OH KB carry e/arm
10 slow RDLs with same KB