In 12 Minutes:
Bench Press: Build to a smooth heavy triple
45 sec. ring row hold w/ chest to rings after each set

4 Rounds for Time (20 min cap):
12 Power Cleans (95/65)
10 C2B Pullups
12 Push Press (95/65)
Rest 2 Minutes

*R+ use 50/35 DBs & add 5 Ring MU to end each round


5 sets
10 seated z-press, weighted as able
10 strict TTB

BS: 60/6, 70/5, 80/4, 85/3, 90/2, 85/4, 90/3, 95/2

5 min. tabata (:20 on/:10 off)- on bar
controlled tempo hollow/arch/hollow/etc w/ box against thigh
(box should slightly touch thigh in dead hang).

Midline – After
4 rounds
60 sec. plank
30 sec. side plank
30 sec. side plank
rest 30 sec.

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