Push Press: 65/4, 70/4, 80/4, 85/3x3sets

AMRAP in 11 Min:
60 Double Unders
18 Wallballs (20/14)
5 Strict Pullups | R+ Ring MU
50ft DB Front Rack Lunges (50/35)


5 supersets
10 weighted dips as able
30 sec. HS hold on wall (move hands 6″ farther from wall than normal and drive head through)

Back Squat: 90/4*4 sets
*base numbers off your most recent BS max

5 sets
-2 bar MU + 5 TTB + 5 C2B +5 TTB + 2 bar MU

Strict Dumbell Press: in 8 min find heavy triple
rest 2 min
75% of heavy triple complete 6 rounds of tabata strict press (20 on/10off), score is lowest round