4 Sets:
10 Bent Over Rows*
5 Reps of 1 and 1/4 KB Goblet Squats**
*horizontal torso, no torso movement, use back
**focus on vertical torso in every single rep

EMOM for 20 min:
160ft Shuttle Run (40ft down/back x2)
3 Strict HSPU (scale: Strict DB Press x6)
1 Squat Clean @ 75%
*scale appropriately
*If you get caught by clock rest 2 min then continue.


4 Sets:
10 Bent Over Rows
5 reps of 1 and 1/4 KB goblet squats
*focus on vertical torso in every single rep

6 sets (alt. chinup/pullup grip each set):
8 strict chin/pull ups
30 sec HS hold on wall w/ hands on upside down ab mat

Every 20 sec. For as long as possible going UB
10ft. HS walk (stop at 10 min)

4 sets of 20 GHD situps