5 Sets:
10 Strict Press
5 e/arm Single Arm Ring Rows

AMRAP in 18 Minutes
Max UB C2B | R+ UB RIng MU
Max UB Wallballs (20/14)
20 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes

*Record total number of reps.


12 min. alt EMOM
E- 6 rep wide grip bench press building
O- 15 DB flys

FS: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 88/1, 93/1, 95/1

Accumulate 20 Freestanding HSPU tripod leg raises

HSPU -5 sets of 5 w/ 3 sec. hold in the bottom of each kip

Midline – After:
3 sets:
30 sec. jerk grip OHS hold
20 weighted crunches