4 sets
A) 50ft. e/arm – Farmers/OH mixed DB carry AHAP
*one DB OH, the other DB in Farmers Hold
B) 25 banded tricep extensions

AMRAP in 19 min:
12 Thrusters (95/65)
6 Strict Chin-ups | R+ 3 Rope Climbs*
300M Run
15 Pushups | R+ 50ft. HS Walk**

*no jump on to rope
**minimum 10ft segments (must go 10ft or start back at previous mark)


4 sets
A) 12 ring pushups w/ deadstop chest on rings e/ rep** stay hollow
B) 20 alt. HS hold leans (kick into HS on wall, alt. weight on hands)

FS: Every 90 sec: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2*3 sets

Midline – After
3 sets
8 alt. stationary lunges w/ empty bar OH close grip
20 weighted situps