BB Smash: Traps, Triceps, Forearm
Calf Stretch
Cossack Squats
Spiderman w/ Twist

2 Sets
100m Run
15sec SL Skater Squat Holds
10 BB Goodmorning

Paused Deadlift: 40/5, 50/4, 60/3, 65/2, 70/1*3
1sec pause right below the knees

3 Rounds For Time (5 minute time cap each round):
400m Run
12 Deadlift (135/105) | (225/155)
9 Pull-ups | C2B
6 HR Burpees

*Record the time you finish each round.  Rest for the remainder of the 5 minutes, if you have time left.
If you don’t finish the round, add each incomplete rep as 1sec to your time for that round.

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