Lead by example.

The 2013 CrossFit Games South Central Regionals will be in San Antonio again this year. Laura and I have to be there for other reasons so we are going to drop in and catch some of the action. Here’s the info if anyone is interested.

If you are interested in competing in either CrossFit or Weightlifting, we are having a team meeting/workout Friday night at 6:45pm.

When you enter your times, you should choose Rx or write what you scaled. Do not choose Rx unless you did the workout as written (weight, range of motion, etc.). EVERYONE should have chosen Rx for the run/row Thursday. About half of you did. I corrected some but from now on, own your numbers. Enter them correctly.

Fitness & Performance WOD

3 Rounds for Time:
20 Lunge Steps
7 Power Snatches 75/45#
25 HR Push-ups
Run 400M

4 Rounds for Time:
20 Split Jumps
7 Power Snatches 115/75#
25 HR Push-ups
Run 400

Competition WOD

Special Time: 6:45PM

Depending on what we’ve discussed:

Weightlifting Cycle
CrossFit Performance WOD @135/95# plus GOAT work

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