Saturday Team WOD @ 930AM


15 Min of Snatch Practice

“CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.2”
10 Min AMRAP of:
30 Snatches 75/45# (Scale: 45/25)
30 Snatches 135/75# (Scale: 65/45)
30 Snatches 165/100# (Scale: 95/65)
ME Snatches 210/120#

NOTES: Any style Snatch is acceptable, as long as it goes from the Ground to Overhead in one Motion. Each athlete must change their own weights out. Only scale if you can NOT complete ANY reps at 135/75. This was one of the Games Qualifying workouts in 2012, and there was NO scaling, if you can’t make it past 75/45, your score is 30.
