Christmas Party
We put a sign-up sheet on the desk to get a more accurate count. Please sign up if you’re coming! The party is Sat Dec 16. Details are on the sheet.


EMOM for 12 Min:
E- 3 Snatch Grip RDL – back stays flat! (40-50% of BS max)
O- 3 FS @ 83% of last weeks 3RM (no pauses)

AMRAP in 16 min:
100M Run
6 Power Clean (135/95)
6 Front Squats (135/95)
200M Run
6 Power Clean
6 Front Squats
300M Run
6 Power Clean
6 Front Squats
*Run increases by 100M each round


Snatch + Power Snatch: Every 90 sec for 9 sets
-Focus on consistent footwork in full and power
-start at 50% and build

4 min. EMOM
15 perfect, tight, hollow/arch swings

12 min EMOM – kip consistency
Min 1- 20 sec. of Kipping pullups
Min 2- 20 sec. of TTB
Min 3- 20 sec. of CTB pullups
*only butterfly if kip stays tight and consistent for all 20 sec