Snatch + Hang Snatch: 5 sets of 1+1 at 75%-85%, rest 90 sec between

3 Rounds for time:
** Bike/Row/Run
15 Pullups
9 Clean & Jerks (any style 135/95)
Rest 90 sec

**1 Round of each: 1500M Bike, 500M Row, 400M Run, in any order. If raining, bike or row twice.

Extra – After WOD

3 sets of 3 on rings: 5 sec. hollow hold + 5 sec. arch hold
*3 count as you transition to arch from hollow and back

Every 30 sec for 7 sets: 2-3 ring MU

Hang Clean + Clean: 4 sets of 1+1 at 75%-80%, rest 90 sec between