Hang Snatch: 10 minutes to work up to heavy double

4 Rounds for Time (24 min cap):
10 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24)
15 Hang Power Snatch (75/55)
400M Run
40 Double Unders


FS: in 11 min. work to 3 rm w/ 3 sec. pause on first rep. THEN 3×3 @ 90% of 3rm w/ no pauses

Accumulate 25 PERFECT Hollow/arch kips

5 sets – kip consistency, try to stay on bar:
2 bar MU + 4 TTB + 2 CTB + 4 Pullups

6 min Tabata – on bar:
:10 sec hanging L-sit hold + :10 sec. hollow hold + 10 sec rest